The revolution in Stroke rehabilitation

We all knew that the disability problems caused by stroke. Thus, only few people know the problems associated with the relative care and rehabilitation.

Below are few examples:

  • Extremely long treatment time
  • High costs for professional services and hospital admissions
  • Therapies of doubtful effectiveness, consisting of stretching and muscle reinforcement
  • No advice on what to do or what to avoid, even when at home

All these problems have led to our commitment to develop neurocognitive rehabilitation worldwide, through the use of telerehabilitation.

What are the differences between traditional therapies and neurocognitive rehabilitation?

The physical therapy for post-stroke recovery is not all the same. There are muscular techniques, which involve strengthening and stretching of the muscles. There are neuromotor techniques, which are based on the stimulation and inhibition of nerve reflexes. We offer neurocognitive rehabilitation, also known as the Perfetti Method.

  • Stroke doesn't damage the muscles, but rather the brain, and that's why the cerebral functions must be involved in the recovery exercises
  • The discipline is constantly changing, because it relies upon the latest scientific research in field of neuroscience
  • It focuses upon recovering the quality of the movement
  • The exercises used for the Perfetti Method can even be performed at home with the help of a family member

How is it possible to perform the post-stroke recovery exercises at home?

It's possible! Thanks to the telerehabilitation technique that we have pioneered and developed. By taking advantage of all the latest means of telecommunication, we are able to help families independently carry out the best rehabilitation techniques at home, and with the help of a family member.

  • Reduction of costs in terms of hospital admissions or professional services
  • Guarantee of the best rehabilitative model
  • Independent management of the work time

How do you learn the exercises, and how are you monitored remotely?

1. VIDEO GUIDES. The exercises are learned through the video guides. You can find them on this page. The video guides contain 10 hours of practical videos explaining the best exercises for recovering the ability to walk, the ability to grip objects, and the functions of speech (in the case of speech impediments).

  • Videos accessible via Youtube after purchase
  • Exercises that can be adapted to any situations that may arise following a stroke
  • Created in 2011 and distributed worldwide, with translations available in Spanish, German and Italian

2. ONLINE VISIT. Upon purchase of the video guide, you will be contacted by our customer service department within 24 hours. This is to schedule an online visit with Dr. Valerio Sarmati, which will allow us to familiarize ourselves with your specific case and to immediately indicate the first exercises to be performed at home.

  • The first online visit is free
  • Performed directly by Dr. Valerio Sarmati, founder and creator of Stroke Therapy (R)evolution
  • Critical for immediately obtaining the proper guidance on the work to be carried out
  • extremely important in order to allow us to familiarize ourselves with your case, thus rendering our support increasingly specific and personalized

3. SUPPORT GROUP. Upon receiving the call from our customer service department, you will be given access to our private support group, where we provide direct assistance to all the patients that we follow remotely around the world. As a member of this group, you can post brief videos showing how you perform the exercises at home, and we will provide you with any necessary suggestions or corrections in real time. The group is private, and can only be viewed by patients and their relatives. It's our virtual clinic

  • the group is private (patients and family members only)
  • the group is free
  • it allows us to maintain a constant presence throughout your journey at home

4. SUPPORT PROGRAM. All the features such as the video guide, first online visit, and the support group will allow the patients to obtain complete work autonomy from home. If you require the best assistance, we also have support program that includes two online visits per month, and all necessary assistance within the support group.

  • Prompt and effective support
  • Optimal frequency of online meetings
  • Monetary savings

Will I be able to learn the rehabilitation exercises, even if I don't have any experience?

Yes. This is precisely what we have been doing for over 15 years. To teach different exercises to family members. Because post-stroke recovery requires constant work, and it's not always financially sustainable if you rely upon the services of a professional or a clinic. The secret to post-stroke rehabilitation does not lie in the hands, but rather in the ability to create exercises that are most meaningful to the patient's brain, and that's where we come in. When we hold professional courses for physiotherapists, during which we teach the Perfetti method, we often use the videos of exercises that have been performed by the family members with their loved ones, and at the end of the course when we reveal that these are ordinary people, and not professionals, the doctors themselves can't believe it. Because they're simple exercises that we can all learn to do with a little practice.


Discover the stroke recovery video guides, and start a new chapter of your rehabilitation journey!