He assumes the position of CEO of Stroke Therapy Revolution Ltd since the birth of the company, which dates from April 3, 2014, and begins to consolidate the company’s internationalization by expanding distance consulting services to Spanish, English-speaking people and German.
• Graduated in 2003 as Physiotherapist at the University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma”
• In 2010 obtained a Master in Health and Rehabilitation Profession at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”.
University Career
• From 2007 to 2008 held the position of Professor en la UCSC Cattolica in Rome, teaching second year physiotherapy students the course “Rehabilitation Methodologies”
• Continued his University career from 2008 till now as Professor of “Neurotraumathological Rehabilitation” at “La Sapienza” Univesity of Rome
Work Experience
• From 2004 to 2007, Dr. Sarmati specializes in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation in a 3 year scholarship at the Center of Studies of the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation under the scientific direction of the Prof. Carlo Perfetti.
• In 2007, along his colleagues, Dr. Dario Mattacchioni and Dr. Paolo Perniciano, founded the Centro de Physiotherapy Roma srl located at the Via Aurelia 429 Rome, presiding the board of directors and coordinating the Neurological Rehabilitation of the patients at the center till now.
• In 2011, at a national level, makes a telerehabilitation service for patients who have suffered a Cerebrovascular Accident (stroke), currently at the direction of Stroke Therapy Revolution, which offers tele-rehabilitation services throughout the world. .
• From 2014 to 2018 was President of the charity association “Gruppo Ictus Emiplegia Onlus”
Courses of actualization for physiotherapists
• In 2006 is assistant professor in the formation course DON CARLO GNOCCHI ONLUS Milan: “Basic Course of Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise. . .
• In 2007 was scientific director and professor in the “Day of the study of the Right Hemiplegic Apraxic Patient” (7 ECM that is to say Continuous Medical Education) at the Center of Physiotherapy of Rome.
• In En 2016 taught the course “Neurocognitive Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation” (13 ECM) FUNDACIÓN PAOLO VI
• In 2017 is professor in the course DON GNOCCHI ONLUS FOUNDATION “Centro Gala” en Basilicata. Neurocognitive Rehabilitation on the hemiplegic patient (52 ECM)
• Since 2010, author of the neuroplanet.blogspot.it, writes essays about the neurocognitive rehabilitation of the patient with cerebral injuries and participates in the edition of articles in the site www.centrofisioterapiaroma.it
Speaker in conferences in foreign university institutions
• “Teleconference Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation” Universidad Nacional Villa Maria – – Certificate
Costa Rica
• “Teleconference Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation” Universidad Autonoma de Ciencias Medicas – Certificate
•University Videoconference “Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation according to Perfetti” Universidad Autonoma del Carmen – Certificate
• Conference “Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation in the hemiplegic adult patient” Universidad de las Americas
• Magisterial Class “ECV vs. Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy” en la “Universidad de Carabobo”
• Teleconference “Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation” Universidad Latina de Panamá Videos
• Teleconference “Theory and Practical Principles of the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation according to Perfetti. Universidad Simon Bolívar – Certificate
• Lectio magistralis “CVA and recovery” Institución Universitaria “Escuela Colombiana de la Rehabilitation”
• Teleconference “Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation”Universidad Institución “Escuela Nacional del Deporte”
• Teleconference “Rehabilitation of the hemiplegic patient” in the Universidad del Rosario
• Teleconference “CVA and rehabilitation through the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation “la Universidad de Santander
• Conference “Introduction to the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation of the hemiplegic adult patient” in the “Fundación”
Publications in magazines
2004 SCIENCE OF THE REHABILITATION “viaggiare con il dubbio in tasca”
2005 REHABILITATION AND CULTURE “il nodo sotto la pelle” Medical anthropology in REHABILITATION
2006 NEUROCOGNITIVE REHABILITATION “il blue, il profondo, il dolore neuropatico”